17 results for author: ben

Democratizing Knowledge 2018–A Just Academy

In what ways can we authentically share power through our work?   How do our own identities shape our research? Are there times you don’t want to use a PAR framework in your research? These were just a few of the questions we considered with the participants of our workshop as part of the Democratizing Knowledge Institute held this past week at Spelman University.  The room was filled with PhD candidates, university staff, and professors as we consider PAR and its role in creating a more just academy—one that not only centers the experiences of those most impacted by issues but also opens up space for those same individuals to shape what is ...

Shared Definitions

What does Social Justice mean to you? If you asked this questions to a room of 20 people, you’d probably get 20 different answers. This was one of the challenges that surfaced as we  facilitated a strategic planning session for a fantastic and thoughtful organization last month. As the group worked together to create a shared vision, mission and goals, the importance of taking time to create shared definitions of terms that, on the surface, may seem self-explanatory, was clear. Often we want to skip this step in order to get to the “meatier” work of setting goals and establishing next steps. While these aspects are fundamental to a planning ...

Join us Sep 21st!

Wednesday, Sep 21st, 5:30-6:30pm @Pacific Northwest College of Art Join us as we lead workshop activities from our Research Methods curriculum. We'll explore some of the different research methods used within a PAR framework. Considering our own positionalities, we will also discuss some of the ways these methods can be integrated into your own community-based work or research. More info here.

Global Table

When we create a meal together, we open up a sacred space to connect with others who on the surface might seem very different from ourselves.  Through breaking bread together we share our stories, our knowledge, our strengths, our struggles, and our talents. Gathering around the table we lay the foundation for a resilient community.    Food has always been a great convenor in my life-- a way to bring together people from lots of different background and hold space for conversation that uncover and share our collective knowledge and ideas for making our lives and communities better. Thanks to grant from Precipice Fund, a childhood friend ...


Representations: Why OUR Stories Matter Workshop at Zenger Farm, Portland This week’s community workshop at Zenger Farm was so inspiring. It was one of those experiences that really embodies PAR and brings to life its strength as a framework that values the voices and stories of those most impacted by an issue. One could feel the power in the room as participants shared their stories of caring for and representing their own communities. For this particular session, we added a focus on community health, food, and well-being to our Representations: Why our Stories Matter training from our Media Series (available to download on the website). During ...

Positionality and Equity Training

“In order to create lasting change around diversity and equity in our work we need to create space for ongoing questioning, acting, reflecting and adjusting based on the outcomes.”   This was one of the themes emphasized by participants in PARCEO Positionality and Equity Training hosted for staff, board members, and volunteer leaders at Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon. The training was a continuation of work started by the group’s equity team and provided a space to bring the rest of the staff into the conversation so they all could move forward together. Participants began the day reflecting on their own identities and what ...

Creative Approaches to Facilitation Challenges

It is exciting and inspiring to work with organizations that share our priority of truly participatory and community-led projects. PARCEO just had the chance to do this with Portland-based Growing Gardens. We facilitated our second facilitation session as Growing Gardens develop inclusive and multilingual facilitation skills that center participant interests and voices. This is especially important now, as they plan and conduct focus groups to understand how to make the garden an entry point into the school for parents. Our facilitation training builds inclusive facilitation skills that support community involvement and leadership. During our ...

Positionality: Working Across Difference

We are still invigorated by our 2 public workshops in Portland at Zenger Farm on October 22nd and Pacific Northwest College of Art on October 24th. The Positionality: Working Across Difference workshop looks at how you enter a space, the position or role it holds, and how that affects others. Together, with participants from over 10 organizations across Portland, we looked at how individual experiences connect to community and how to build a strong foundation for work that values all voices, experiences and differences. The training is useful for community groups and organizations as they evaluate the inclusiveness of their structures and roles ...

PDX Positionality Training– Oct 22 and 24

Join us October 22nd or  24th for our Positionality Training: Working Across Difference This training is for community members to consider: How can I examine the complexity of my own identity and how it relates to race, class, power, gender, and privilege? How do I perceive others and how am I perceived when entering a community? How does this affect my work? How do I authentically recognize differences and build on similarities with others? How can I connect meaningfully and contribute to community-led work? Together we'll share different perspectives and stories, building connections across differences and similarities. The ...

PDX Facilitation

  Facilitation can make or break a meeting or event, especially when navigating differing viewpoints, goals, or participants from diverse backgrounds. This past week in Portland, Oregon, individuals from over 10 different organizations and communities came together to consider how Participatory Action Research (PAR) provides a helpful framework to approach many of the facilitation challenges we face in our work and lives. Some of the unique areas explored in these two trainings included: How to facilitate a multilingual session that minimizes the privileging of one language over another The importance of knowing when to step up ...